Three were injured in a Warren County wreck in the early evening of April 28th. The accident involved an off road, open air, sports utility vehicle. Jessica Graves, 30, Shawn Mayall, 44, and Kurt Poepsel, 53, all of Washington, MO, were injured when they were travelling off road and along a sand bar in the Missouri river.
Mr. Poepsel attempted to make a sharp turn, at which point their 2018 Can Am Defender flipped over. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol crash report, Poepsel and Graves were moderately hurt, with Mayall suffering severe injuries. Poepsel and Graves were transported to Mercy Hospital, Washington, where they were later released. Mayall was flown by helicopter to Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, for treatment.
Vehicle accidents, especially those that occur in a leisure situation like the one described above, can be traumatic. We at Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers wish all parties a speedy recovery.
The Legal Claims
Missouri offers a thorough and effective system of personal injury law meant to protect those who are hurt due to the negligent actions of others. Here, Mr. Poepsel’s passengers may have a claim against him and his insurer for their lost wages, medical bills, and their pain and suffering.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer at Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers Today
If you were injured in an accident due to someone else’s careless or negligent actions, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to discuss your case. Your attorney will fight for fair compensation, and they don’t get paid unless you win.
For more information, contact the attorneys at Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers we proudly serve all throughout Missouri, including St. Louis County, and we have offices in St. Louis, Chesterfield, Clayton, and Creve Coeur.
Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers – St. Louis Office
1010 Market Street, Suite 1605
St. Louis, Missouri
(636) 519-0085
Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers – Chesterfield Office
400 Chesterfield Center Suite 400
Chesterfield, MO 63017
(636) 999-9587
Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers – Creve Coeur Office
11628 Old Ballas Rd, Suite 320
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
(314) 557-2869
Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers – Clayton Office
7733 Forsyth Blvd, Suite 1100
Clayton, MO 63105
(314) 804-4569