Any kind of physical trauma that impacts the spinal cord can have devastating and permanent effects on the person who suffers from it. However, the degree of harm done and the longevity of symptoms can vary significantly depending on exactly where trauma occurs and what kind of injury it is.

Understanding how the nervous system works and the effects injuries in different places can have is crucial to recover all losses stemming from this type of damage. A qualified spinal damage attorney knows how to help you seek compensation for the various types of spinal cord injuries in Creve Coeur.

Incomplete Versus Complete Spinal Cord Damage

The key factor in determining the severity of spinal cord trauma is whether the injury is “incomplete” or “complete.” These terms refer respectively to the types of local accidents that result in the spine being bruised, twisted, or slightly torn, and to accidents that result in it being completely severed.

Incomplete Damage

Incomplete spinal cord injuries generally offer much better prognoses for people suffering from it. Sometimes, it is even possible for people with incomplete spine injuries to fully recover to their pre-injury state through medical treatment and physical rehabilitation.

Complete Damage

A complete spinal cord injury is permanent since it results in the central communication pathway between the body and the brain being completely severed. Because of this, it always results in a total loss of sensation and motor function below the injury site.

Different Areas on the Spine Where Trauma May Occur

The spinal cord has four main sections: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spine. Because the messages transmitted through the spinal cord proceed from the brain to the feet and back, injuries to different areas may result in various degrees of paralysis. A diligent attorney in the area could help someone determine from what type of spine injury they suffer.

Sacral and Lumbar Trauma

Injuries to the sacral spinal cord are the least severe since they usually only impact the hips and pelvic area. Lumbar injuries are more severe than sacral since they can result in loss of function in the hips, legs, and feet. People who sustain severe spine injuries in the lumbar area or higher generally need wheelchairs or braces to be able to move around.

Thoracic and Cervical Trauma

Thoracic spinal cord injuries are the second most serious spine injury, as they may result in a loss of muscle control and sensation up to the middle of the back and the upper chest. Fortunately, injuries of this nature generally still allow for normal arm and hand function, something that cannot be said for cervical spine injuries. Cervical spine damage often results in quadriplegia, or complete paralysis of everything below the neck.

Call a Skilled Attorney about the Types of Spinal Cord Injuries in Creve Coeur

Even if your spine injury has a chance of recovery, you should enlist the aid of a qualified attorney to help fight for past and future damages. Cases involving more severe injuries are difficult to achieve positive results for if you try to pursue them alone.

Regardless of what type of spinal cord injury in Creve Coeur you sustained, a dedicated legal team could help you seek the restitution you deserve. Learn more by calling today.