A traumatic brain injury is not merely a painful bump on the head. These injuries have lifelong effects and you deserve compensation if it has happened to you. Speak with a Wildwood traumatic brain injury lawyer in order to learn how you could be compensated. A consultation with a practiced catastrophic injury attorney helps you understand the merits of your case, the available compensation, and the best way to recover from it.

What is a TBI?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the head is struck hard enough that it damages cell and nerves in the brain. A concussion is a common type of TBI but its effects can be temporary loss of consciousness and dizziness. More severe TBI can completely alter someone’s behavior or cause cognitive decline. The inability to move certain body parts is also a potential effect. In addition to the brain being shaken violently, severe or potentially deadly damage can occur when a foreign object pierces the skull and strikes the brain.

Anyone who injured their head in an accident should seek immediate medical treatment. Some TBIs can be painless or difficult to identify, so doctors should run tests even if the patient is exhibiting no side-effects. Missouri allows only five years after the day of the accident with which to file a lawsuit. Because many brain injuries might not be noticeable for some time, it is important to retain the services of a lawyer as soon as possible after one is detected.

Determining Liability

One of the key tasks for a Wildwood TBI lawyer is determining who was responsible for the accident. It is possible for there to be more than one at-fault party. If the accident was a crash, it is usually the case that the negligent car driver, truck driver, motorcyclist, bicyclist, or boat navigator will be named. Other individuals might have played a part, such as property owners or product manufacturers. Anyone who played a role in an unsafe situation, even if they were not physically present for the accident, could be named in a lawsuit.

Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries

After a major accident, a traumatic brain injury lawyer could provide assistance in determining how much the case should be worth. They do this by calculating several types of compensation and filing suit in the local court system. Common types of compensation for a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Costs related to medical care
  • Recovery expenses, including medical equipment, nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling
  • Lost income
  • The chronic pain that someone feels from their TBI
  • Emotional distress, related to the psychological effects of the accident

If a loved one succumbs to their injuries, their surviving family could file a wrongful death claim. Under this type of legal action, they could seek damages for burial costs, probate fees, and loss of companionship.

Ask a Wildwood Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney for Help in Seeking Compensation

When we take your case, we aim to handle almost every facet of it on your behalf. You might not be in a condition to make decisions or exert much energy, so we could take that burden off your shoulders. To learn more about how we might assist you and fight for compensatory damages that will alleviate the stress you feel, call a Wildwood traumatic brain injury lawyer as soon as possible.