Hit-and-run car accidents in Ballwin can be traumatic, especially when serious injuries are involved. They can also be frustrating, as you might not know who to turn to, who hit you, or what you need to do to move forward.

The good news is that a dedicated car wreck attorney could help you pursue justice following a hit-and-run crash. In some cases, you might be able to track down the negligent driver and file a claim against them. However, if this is not an option, legal representation could assess your other options for seeking the compensation you deserve.

Identifying the Driver Who Fled the Scene

As is the case with any vehicle accident, injured drivers have the right to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. Unfortunately, the challenge with hit-and-run accidents is that identifying the defendant is not always possible. Thankfully, there are steps to take that could help to pinpoint the driver and hold them accountable for their decision to flee the scene.

If possible, the police can use the fleeing vehicle’s license plate number to track down the driver. In other situations, law enforcement might look for the fleeing driver based on any reported damage to their vehicle.

If the police cannot find the hit-and-run driver, an attorney might be able to help. A detail-oriented lawyer could talk to witnesses or local business owners to determine if the accident was caught on security video. This investigation could help identify the license plate number or other of the driver’s defining information.

There are also steps that a plaintiff can take at the scene of the collision to help identify the other driver. For instance, if the plaintiff can get a glance at the other driver, law enforcement might be able to use this physical description to sketch a profile. This might not be an option in every case, but it can be a valuable way to track down someone who fled the scene of a crash.

Seeking Compensation If the Driver Cannot Be Found

The ideal circumstance in a hit-and-run car wreck case is identifying the driver and pursuing legal action against them. However, the reality is that many hit-and-run drivers are never found. However, even when the other driver escapes, a plaintiff can still pursue compensation for their injuries.

Often, a plaintiff’s insurance policy will cover their losses. Whether or not this is the case after a specific hit-and-run depends on the claimant’s unique policy. Some drivers have “full coverage” policies that provide liability coverage and pay for any damage to the driver’s vehicle, regardless of fault.

If a hit-and-run plaintiff does not have full liability coverage, their uninsured motorist policy might fill in the gaps. An experienced lawyer in Ballwin could assist with analyzing an insurance policy and finding the best way to seek restitution after a hit-and-run crash.

Reach Out to an Attorney in Ballwin Following a Hit and Run Car Accident

You could be entitled to monetary damages if you were injured in a hit-and-run car accident in Ballwin. Pursuing a civil lawsuit alone is risky, but the right attorney by your side could help you get the result you deserve.

Legal representation could work to track the driver down, communicate with law enforcement about the crash, and help you seek payment from your insurance policy if the driver cannot be found. Reach out to us today to learn more.