The automobile has come a long way since the Benz Patent-Motorwagen was introduced in 1886, reaching a top speed of 10 mph. As sophisticated and useful as cars have become since then, there is also more potential for danger, with millions more sharing the roadways and traveling at much higher speeds. When mishandled, any vehicle has the capability of causing catastrophic damages if involved in a collision.

If you were involved in an auto wreck due to someone else’s negligence, you could pursue compensation for your losses with the help of a seasoned personal injury attorney. To explore your legal options, contact a Eureka car accident lawyer from The Law Offices of Kevin J. Roach, LLC.

Motor Vehicle Insurance and Negligence Lawsuits

Under the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law, Missouri requires all drivers to carry insurance, including a minimum of $25,000 for bodily injury per person and $10,000 for damage to the other driver’s property.

Additionally, Missouri is an at-fault state, which means the person who caused the accident is responsible for compensating the other driver for their injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and property loss.

Insurers are notorious for offering less than what an accident is worth. Sometimes the minimum liability coverage is inadequate for the injured party’s expenses. If negotiations with an insurer do not produce a satisfactory settlement, an attorney skilled in auto crash cases could discuss filing a lawsuit.

What if Both Parties are Responsible for a Car Crash?

Missouri apportions blame for a car accident by assigning a percentage to the parties involved. As a pure comparative negligence state, injured parties can collect damage awards as long as they are not found to be 100 percent liable for their own accident. The award amount is reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to them. For example, if the jury awards $100,000 to a plaintiff who is found to be 20 percent responsible, this will be reduced to $80,000. If the plaintiff is 99 percent at fault, the award will be reduced to $1,000.

Some examples of comparative negligence accidents include:

  • One driver is texting, and the other is speeding when they crash
  • A motorist is driving while intoxicated while the other runs a stop sign into their path
  • Both drivers fail to properly utilize turn signals or take appropriate caution in bad weather conditions

Insurance companies often use comparative negligence as a reason to offer a lesser settlement. A tenacious Eureka attorney understands insurers’ tricks after motor vehicle accidents. They could work hard to collect evidence to establish liability and prove how much compensation is needed when entering negotiations.

Missouri’s Statute of Limitations

Missouri Revised Statutes § 516.120 codifies the Statute of Limitations, the time limit an injured party has to file a civil lawsuit after a car accident or any other personal injury. Plaintiffs have five years from the incident to make a claim. Injured parties should discuss the procedure with an experienced attorney as soon as possible after the wreck to preserve evidence and ensure witnesses can be found.

Let a Eureka Car Accident Attorney Guide Your Legal Process

Because cars are bigger and faster than they once were, thousands of accidents occur daily. If you were involved in a wreck and sustained injuries due to another motorist, you should be compensated for your losses.

Our team of legal professionals knows what kind of concerns you are facing, and we are here to help address them. Whether you worry about talking to insurance adjusters or if a lawsuit is the best solution for you, we could offer the legal guidance you need. A Eureka car accident lawyer is ready to answer your questions and help you fight for compensation. Call our firm today for dedicated service.