Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Q: I injured my neck at work requiring a 3 hr surgery to replace two disks and fix nerve issues and install titanium plate.:
A: Under Missouri workers compensations laws you can be compensated for your permanent partial disability. Neck injuries are considered an injury to the body as a whole which allows for the highest level of compensation. If you are unable to work you may also qualify for total disability which is similar...
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Q: Was I arrested with sufficient probable cause at a DUI checkpoint? Furthermore, if not, can I reverse implied consent?:
A: Sobriety checkpoints are conducted in 38 states. The Supreme Court has held that for sobriety checkpoints to be constitutional in Missouri or any other state proper procedures must be followed. The procedures for sobriety checkpoints are: administrative officers of the law enforcement agency determined the location of the checkpoint; the...
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Q: What legal steps can I take to have my additional injuries evaluated, and treated after a workplace injury?
A: You should consult with a Missouri workers' compensation lawyer immediately. If you wait too long it will be extremely hard to get you the help you need. You are entitled to treatment for all of your work related injuries not just your back. The insurance company is most likely trying...
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Q: Is it common for insurance companies to ignore workers' compensation claims?
A: Unfortunately this is becoming common practice in Missouri. The best way to get their attention is to hire an attorney immediately. Your attorney can request a hardship hearing which is an emergency setting to secure benefits for injured workers. A hardship can be requested for medical benefits and or weekly...
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