Car Accident Injury Compensation? Your Top 5 Questions Answered

St. Louis Whiplash Lawyer - Law Offices of Kevin J Roach, LLCYou sustained injuries from a traffic collision that wasn’t your fault, now what? If you believe you deserve car accident injury compensation, it’s important to take the right steps in order to ensure you recover the FULL amount your claim is worth.

Below are the TOP 5 QUESTIONS many people have for personal injury attorneys following an auto accident


ABSOLUTELY NOT! The insurance adjuster’s job is to settle your case for as little as possible. Adjusters are trained to try to discourage you from hiring an attorney. Most people don’t know the value of their personal injury case, and insurance companies are in the business to make money and to cut their losses. The #1 biggest mistake I see people make is talking to the insurance adjuster and/or signing a release before consulting a lawyer.


There are a number of ways a lawyer can help negotiate medical bills down. Understanding the ins and outs of Missouri laws related to this type of case is crucial to getting the settlement you deserve. Our office practices personal injury law when dealing with insurance companies every. single. day. We know what works and we are ready to aggressively fight for your rights.

That being said, one of the first things we will do on your case is address the possibility of Medicare/Medicaid as well as any incurred medical bills to ensure that your credit isn’t damaged. Your credit shouldn’t suffer because of someone else’s negligence.

In order to make sure you get the full amount your case is worth, it takes time to settle (read more here). But lost time from work and medical bills can be devastating to the comforts of living. Fortunately, an experienced auto accident attorney can not only help you get a fair settlement, but can also assist you in obtaining a loan before your case settles to help with your living expenses and to ensure you aren’t forced to settle before you are ready.


Insurance company studies have shown that accident victims who hire lawyers receive 3 ½ times more than victims who don’t hire lawyers. We have recovered million for Missouri accident victims and if you let us we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Read about some of our recent cases on our website.

4. HOW MUCH DOES A LAWYER COST?car accident injury compensation

It doesn’t cost you anything unless you receive a settlement. In other words, if you don’t get paid, we don’t get paid.

Some personal injury lawyers will charge you for the costs related to filing your case even if there is no settlement; if this is the case for one of our clients, we make sure those costs are covered. We don’t want to become one more stressful bill.

We offer a free case review and attorney consultation to everyone. If you were involved in an accident in Missouri and believe you deserve compensation, do not hesitate to contact our office.


Most people have no idea what their case is worth, and until you talk with an experienced injury lawyer – you never will. Cases are generally given a value based on three factors: your medical bills, your injuries, and liability (who is at fault). During your free case review, our office will thoroughly review your individual situation in order to give you a CLEAR and HONEST assessment.

If you believe you may be eligible for car accident injury compensation, do not hesitate to contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Call the Roach Law Office at (636) 519-0085 for a free consultation.