St. Louis Car Accident Attorney - Law Offices of Kevin J Roach, LLC | The Law Offices of Kevin Roach, LLC.

Hit and Run Accidents: What Should I Do?

St. Louis Hit and Run Attorney - Law Offices of Kevin J Roach, LLCMany car accidents happen in St. Louis. Unfortunately, hit and run accidents are equally as common. These accidents are not all between vehicles, either. In fact, a large majority include pedestrians, bicyclists, and even motorcycle riders.

If you are a victim of a hit and run accident, you may wonder what your options are. After all, the driver has left the scene and you are left with the mess. Despite your frustration, anger and panic, there are things that you can do to cover your losses.

5 Things to Do After a Hit and Run Accident

As the victim of the hit and run, you must be diligent. The actions that you take can help determine if you receive compensation, but also could help to catch the guilty driver. Five things every hit and run accident victim should do after the accident include:

  1. Call for assistance. Call the police after a hit and run accident, since you are required by law to report the incident. Do not chase the other vehicle. Try to write down any important details regarding the vehicle, such as the make, model, style, color, etc. If you have a partial license plate, give that information to the police as well.
  2. Identify the driver. Sometimes you can recognize the driver more than the vehicle. If you spotted what the driver looked like, provide this information – it could help police during their search.
  3. Find witnesses. There may be witnesses of your hit and run incident. Ask these individuals for their contact information, and see if they will stay long enough to give their report to the police. The more information you are able to collect from others, the easier it may be for the police to find the suspect.
  4. Call your insurance company. You will need to report the accident right away to your insurer. Most companies have strict time limits within their policy – so, if you do not report within that timeframe, you will lose out on any compensation. Report the accident and supply your insurer with any information about the other driver and/or police report.
  5. Check your policy. You should have some form of uninsured motorist coverage on your policy. This will provide you with compensation after a hit and run accident. Depending on the amount of coverage, you may have enough to pay all property damage costs and medical bills. Unfortunately, uninsured motorist coverage does not cover lost wages.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney in St. Louis

Proving a hit and run accident – let alone collecting compensation – can be difficult. You will need to rely on your own insurance to cover your losses until the liable party can be found. In some cases, the other driver may never be located. An attorney from the Law Offices of Kevin J. Roach, LLC can assist you with your claim. We are here to work as your advocates. We will negotiate with your insurance company to help you receive the compensation that you need. If the other driver is located, we will pursue compensation from him or her for reckless behavior. To get started, contact us for a free consultation at 866-519-0085 or fill out our online contact form with your legal questions.