Missouri truck accident attorney

Common Mistakes Truck Accident Victims Should Avoid

If you’ve had a truck accident, it’s easy to feel confused about what to do next. Your medical bills keep piling up, and your boss keeps asking when they can expect you back at work. The insurance company is hounding you for a statement. All of this can be overwhelming.

This is where a truck accident attorney can be helpful. Your attorney can help you build a strong case against the truck company, truck manufacturer or truck driver and explain how to avoid mistakes that could harm your case.

Not Collecting Evidence at the Accident Scene

No one would fault you for not playing detective at the accident scene. You’re dazed, possibly hurt, and furious at the driver who hit you. Gathering evidence is likely the last thing on your mind.

But if you can, you should do so, as any evidence you collect could bolster your case.

Use your phone to take pictures of your car and the truck that hit you from a few different angles. If you spot anything that looks relevant to the accident, such as a broken traffic light, a hidden stop sign, or bad road conditions, take photos of that evidence, too.

Not Seeking Medical Treatment

Many of our clients ask whether they should bother seeing a doctor if they don’t feel hurt. We always answer yes.

For one thing, you could be injured and not know it yet. For another, the insurance company will need your treatment records to assign a value to your claim. If you skip treatment, the insurance company might say you’re not hurt and lower your settlement accordingly.

Failing to Make a Police Report

In Missouri, you have 30 days to make an accident report if:

  • Property damage exceeds $500
  • Anyone was injured or killed

The police may arrive on the scene without you calling them. If they don’t, you’ll need to make a report yourself.

Whatever you do, don’t flee the scene without waiting for the police to arrive. They could charge you with a hit-and-run, seriously harming your case. The other driver could also sue for wrongful death if the accident killed someone.

Admitting Fault

It’s human nature to apologize after an accident, but this is one instinct you should fight against. The insurance company could use such statements to lower your settlement.

Talking to the Insurance Company Without Representation

Insurance companies know all the tricks when it comes to reducing settlements and denying claims. If you say the wrong thing, you could end up with a small settlement or even no compensation.

To avoid this, don’t risk talking to the insurance company without speaking to a truck accident attorney first.

Accepting the First Settlement Offer

The insurance company’s first settlement offer is rarely fair. It’ll likely offer you a lowball settlement, hoping you’ll accept and walk away. The chances are that your claim is worth much more.

Don’t take the first offer, even if you think it’s enough. Your lawyer will tell you whether it’s fair, and if not, they can negotiate for more.

Avoid These Mistakes With the Help of Our Law Firm

Making the above mistakes is easy, but a Missouri truck accident attorney can help you avoid them. The Law Offices of Kevin J. Roach, LLC, has years of experience handling personal injury cases throughout Missouri.

To schedule a free consultation with a Missouri truck accident attorney, call us at (636) 519-0085.