Watching your kids suffer from injuries is one of the worst things a parent can go through. The emotions are even more overwhelming when they get hurt because of another person’s negligence.

When someone else’s negligence causes your child’s injuries, you have every right to expect them to cover the financial costs and losses. Call a compassionate St. Louis child injury lawyer for help. Our dedicated injury attorneys could

Car Accidents are the Most Common Cause of Child Injury Lawsuits

Car accidents cause the most significant portion of child injuries every year. Distracted driving, intoxication, driving while tired, and speeding are all frequent causes of car collisions in St. Louis.

Children fastened safely into car seats or boosters are still vulnerable to severe injuries in motor vehicle crashes.

More Common Causes of Child Injury Cases

More of the most common causes of child injury cases include the following:

  • Dog bites and animal attacks
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Playground accidents
  • Defective toys and other products
  • Allergic reactions
  • Burns from hot objects and scalding water

Children often get hurt while at daycare centers. Daycare center providers are responsible for ensuring that no hazardous conditions put the children at risk while in their care. A skilled attorney in St. Louis could determine who caused the child’s injury and build a compelling case against them.

The Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

While most cases involving a person who trespassed onto someone else’s property are not covered under premises liability, there are exceptions when it involves children. The attractive nuisance doctrine holds landowners responsible when items on the property attract children and cause them to get hurt. The elements necessary to prove premises liability under the attractive nuisance doctrine include the following:

  • The property owner knew or should have known the item on their property would attract children
  • The property owner knew the item was a danger to the children
  • The child does not fully understand the risk of the item
  • The property owner failed to use reasonable measures to protect children from the risk of harm

A St. Louis lawyer could investigate the child’s injury case to hold the responsible party accountable for their negligent actions.

The Statute of Limitations for Lawsuits Involving Children

The statute of limitations provides the maximum amount of time to file a lawsuit in personal injury cases. Under the Missouri Revised Statutes § 516.120, the claimant has five years to commence legal action in most personal injury cases. The clock begins running the day the injury occurs.

When children are involved, the time begins when they turn 18 and expires on their 23rd birthday. During an initial consultation, a knowledgeable attorney in St. Louis could answer questions about applicable statutes for child injury cases.

Call a Hardworking Child Injury Attorney in St. Louis Today

When your child sustains injuries because of someone’s negligence, reach out to speak with a skilled St. Louis child injury lawyer right away to review your options. A legal representative could review your case, answer specific questions about your options, and help determine the best action plan for you.

A child injury lawsuit could cover your damages and allow you to hold the defendant financially accountable. Call today to schedule a consultation and review your case right away.