If you suffered harm in a slip or trip and fall, you may be unsure whether you have grounds for civil action. Therefore, it may be critical to your future physical and financial health for you to speak with an experienced legal professional, especially if you suffered serious injuries because of negligent conditions on someone else’s property.

A Creve Coeur slip and fall lawyer could help you learn more about your legal options. Once retained, a dedicated personal injury attorney could explain exactly how state law addresses these kinds of incidents and work tirelessly to help you pursue a favorable outcome in your civil case.

Who Bears Liability for a Trip and Fall?

Any number of different hazardous conditions could end up causing someone to fall unexpectedly. From loose floorboards or carpeting to uncleaned spills, even slippery patches of ice outside a retail store’s front entrance can cause someone to suffer a fall. However, in this type of lawsuit, the important thing is not necessarily what caused the accident, but rather how that hazardous condition got there in the first place.

Property managers owe every legal visitor to their property a certain duty of care to ensure their property is reasonably safe for visitors to legally visit. However, while property managers are generally required to inspect their land and check for hazardous conditions on a regular basis, they cannot be held liable for dangers they reasonably could not have known about.

In other words, a property manager usually would not bear liability for a slip and fall caused by a spill that occurred a few minutes before the accident in question, since ordinary care would not require them to inspect their property that often. Conversely, if that spill had been present for several hours, a local attorney could help the injured individual file suit for their injuries from falling.

Recoverable Damages after a Falling Accident

Assuming they can prove liability by a property owner or manager, a claimant injured in a serious fall could be able to recover for a number of different losses through civil litigation. This can include economic damages like medical expenses, and non-economic damages like physical pain and suffering. To avoid this, property managers often try to reduce their own liability for accidents by shifting that liability onto injured parties by accusing plaintiffs of being negligent themselves.

If a court agrees with a defendant that the plaintiff suing them was partially to blame for their damages, that court can reduce the claimant’s final damage award by whatever percentage of fault they are determined to bear. A dedicated trip and fall attorney in the area could help fight back against these kinds of accusations and ensure a defendant is able to recover all the compensation they need to cover their losses.

Speak with a Creve Coeur Slip and Fall Attorney Now

Liability for a slip and fall accident can often be tricky for a civil plaintiff to establish. There are many factors that can play into this type of accident, as well as certain circumstances under which property managers may not be liable for a visitor’s injuries even when the accident occurred on their property.

With help from a Creve Coeur slip and fall lawyer, you could dramatically increase your chances of a positive resolution to your claim that serves your best interests. Learn more about the possibilities in your unique circumstances by calling today to set up a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.