Things You Should Never Do After a Car Accident

Car AccidentCar accidents are undoubtedly one of the most overwhelming experiences anyone will ever have in their life. While you know the steps to take immediately after an accident, your emotions can be high – and make you forget what you should not do after the accident. These things not only can harm your chances for a lawsuit later on, but could even limit your insurance company coverage.

What You Should Never Do After an Accident

  1. Do not leave the scene. It is illegal in the state of Missouri to leave the scene of an accident. You are required to immediately stop and remain at the scene to exchange information with the other driver. However, if there are serious injuries and emergency personnel take you from the scene, you will not be in trouble.
  2. Do not forget to call 911. Even if no one is hurt, you need to call the police to report the accident. A police report is critical for establishing fault and any future injury claims. If there are serious injuries, do not call the local police; call 911.
  3. Do not become angry or irrational at the scene. While your emotions may be high, do not become aggravated or act irrationally at the accident – even if you are not at fault.
  4. Do not forget to document the scene. Try to document the scene as much as you can, including taking photographs with a smartphone and writing down license and insurance information. You will also want to write down the date and time of the accident as well as what happened before and after the accident.
  5. Do not admit fault. Answer the police’s questions, but never admit fault. Even if you are not at fault, simply stating that you are “sorry” could be considered an admission of fault by police or your insurance company.
  6. Do not speak to the other party’s insurance before contacting an attorney. The insurance claims adjuster will contact you immediately and attempt to settle your claim for as little as possible. You should always speak to an attorney before discussing the accident with the insurance adjuster because anything you say could be used to lower your settlement amount.
  7. Do not accept the first settlement you receive. If you have reached a stage where you are being offered a settlement, do not accept the first offer without speaking to an attorney. An attorney will help you calculate your expenses, damages, medical costs, and future losses to ensure the settlement you receive is adequate.

Contact The Law Offices of Kevin J. Roach, LLC for Your Accident Case Today

Car accident claims should always be handled by an experienced attorney. Even if you are not at fault, proving the other party’s negligence requires years of experience and investigative work. To preserve your claim and ensure that you get the maximum compensation you are entitled to, contact The Law Offices of Kevin J. Roach, LLC today. We offer free consultations, so call us at 866-519-0085 or fill out an online contact form.