Getting a good education is unfortunately not easily accessible for everyone. There are many factors that can cause one to have a better or worse education than others. Students without access to proper supplies and technology are disadvantaged. Our team at Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers strongly believes that everyone deserves to have access to a good, if not great education.
This year, Roach Law Car Accident Lawyers is proud to once again announce the Education Matters Scholarship. This scholarship was created to encourage students to delve into America’s education system and gain a better understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. In the last few years, the shift to online learning has shone more light on how our educational system works, and the cracks in it.
We’re asking students to use their own personal experiences to discuss both the issues and the successes in the American education system. Students should also detail realistic ways in which the education system could be improved and why those improvements would be beneficial to people across the country.
The scholarship winner will be chosen based on the criteria outlined below and will be awarded $5,000 to go towards their higher education.
Scholarship Eligibility
The eligibility requirements for The Education Matters Scholarship are as follows:
- Applicants must be currently enrolled in or about to attend an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program within the United States
- Applicants must have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher
A complete application for this scholarship must include:
- A Resume with current contact information
- A current academic transcript (clearly showing your Cumulative GPA)
- A 1,000-word essay discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the American education system based on your own experiences. Include realistic ways in which the education system could be improved and explain how and why it would benefit a wide range of students.
- Additionally, we encourage applicants from Missouri to apply and make a note in their application email that they grew up, live in, or attend school in Missouri
To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must submit their complete application (resume, transcript, and essay) on or before April 30, 2024. All applications must be submitted by email to [email protected] with the subject line “[Applicant’s name] – 2024 The Education Matters Scholarship”.
Our firm would like to congratulate Abigail Bell, the 2023 winner of our Education Matters Scholarship!